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Uses of Java Language, types of applications developed using Java language

The Java is a general purpose object oriented programming language, therefore we can use Java language to develop different applications. Following are some of the types of applications can be developed using Java programming language.

1. Standalone Desktop GUI Applications:

The standalone desktop applications are those which run in the context of the local disk and runtime of the same device, means it will run on a single independent device without interacting with other devices using a browser or world wide web. For example, VLC Player, Antivirus, Video game, etc.

Java has provided AWT, Swing and JavaFX to develop the UI rich interactive desktop applications, these contains the predefined ready to use components like button, link, label, table, tree, list, panel, tabbed panel and set graphics and media packages. The IDEs like Netbeans, Eclipse provides the plugins to easily use these components, all you need to do is drag and drop to design a form.

2. Web Applications

The internet users are increasing day by days; therefore the businesses prefer the web application over desktop application. Java provides support to develop a web application using Servlet, Jsp, Struts, Spring, etc. The advantages of using Java for developing web applications over other programming languages are security and ease of development, almost all the banking web applications are developed using the Java( While making any online banking transaction, check the URL, you will find .jsp extension).

3. Mobile Applications

Java Micro Edition (Java ME) is a cross-platform framework specially released to build applications that run across all Java supported small devices, including feature phones and smart phones. The mobile applications for famous smart phone operating system Android can be developed in java using Android Software Development Kit(SDK).

4. Embedded Applications

Electronics devices are getting smarter by every generation, the electromechanical devices are intelligent enough to operate themselves depending on the surrounding inputs. These devices are using the software programs to make decisions; java is being used in almost all the embedded devices like robotics, Television, mobile, SIM Card, Smart Card, etc. Blue Ray disk player is one of the devices which 100% uses java only.

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